Consultations et solutions

Nous aidons les organisations du secteur privé, public, et à but non-lucratif à se protéger contre la fraude et les actes répréhensibles et à améliorer leurs capacités de sécurité et d’enquête.


Does your organization need to strengthen its anti-fraud program? Are you standing up a new investigative unit? Do you need to strengthen investigation processes to ensure all stakeholders are properly notified? Does your organization handle open-source intelligence and background checks the right way?

Whether your concerns are enterprise wide or related to a specific process, we can help. We’ve helped organizations of various sizes in the private, public and not-for-profit sectors protect themselves against fraud and wrongdoing through our fraud risk mitigation services.


  • Strengthened the information sharing and investigations processes between a corporate security group, legal services group and the human resources function at a public sector organization.
  • Provided fraud risk consulting (i.e., red flags for fraud) and associated training to multiple audit groups at various government agencies.
  • Provided a fraud risk awareness seminar to a department’s senior management committee to garner support for anti-fraud initiatives at the organization.
  • Assisted a law enforcement agency with implementing an open source intelligence capability by providing advice on policy, procedure, capacity building and helping the organization manage the change to a new way of performing its business.


We partner with organizations of all types and sizes to increase their capacity through training services, achieve efficiency and consistency in results, and improve policies and procedures around fraud prevention and investigations.

Whether you’re looking to address specific emerging threats or to strengthen internal controls more generally, our consultants provide best-in-class, customized recommendations to set you up for success in an ever-evolving risk landscape.


Tips are the most common fraud detection method, says the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners.

In a survey conducted by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, over 40% of all fraud was discovered by a tip — and employees accounted for almost half of the tips that led to the discovery. The same report estimates that the typical organization loses 5% of revenues each year to fraud. Read the full article here.

Canadian Securities Administrators identifies red flags for investor fraud.

Guaranteed high returns with no risk, offshore investment tax schemes, exclusive investment opportunities referred by family or friends, the promise of access to insider information, high-pressure tactics — all are known red flags for investor fraud, according to the Canadian Securities Administrators. Read the full article here.

Fraud control should be a priority of government entities, according to the Australian National Audit Office.

The Australian National Audit Office identifies a number of essential fraud control activities for government entities, including the implementation of a robust fraud policy, code of conduct and fraud control plan; prudent employee and third-party due diligence; regular fraud awareness training; and additional fraud-related controls for activities with high fraud risk exposure.